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Special Behavior of the Logical Operators

Logical And

If the left-hand side can be converted to true, the right-hand side is returned; otherwise the left-hand side is returned:

io.print(99 and 61) // 61
io.print(0 and 61) // 0

Logical Or

If the left-hand side can be converted to true, it is returned; otherwise the right-hand side is returned:

io.print(99 or 61) // 99
io.print(0 or 61) // 61


The following table shows Bia's operator precedence from highest to lowest.

Operator Description Associativity
a.b,a(),a[] member access, function call, subscript left-to-right
** exponentiation
-a, ~a unary minus, bitwise not right-to-left
*, /, % multiplication, division and remainder left-to-right
+, - addition and subtraction
<<, >> bitwise shifts
& bitwise and
^ bitwise xor
| bitwise or
<=> three-way comparison
in, <, >, <=, >=, !=, == including test and comparisons
not logical not right-to-left
and logical and
or logical or